Event: 13 Sep 2024 – 3rd Joint Philippines & Hong Kong Section CME Symposium (Zoom meeting)

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International College of Surgeons Hong Kong Section cordially invite you to participate in a Continuous Medical Education (CME) Fellowship Luncheon Symposium “Gunshot wounds & Shoulder Pain”

Date & Time: 13 Sep. 2024 Friday. Lecture & Q&A: 1:00pm – 3:00pm HONG KONG TIME

** Registration is closed. **

“My shoulder hurts badly!” by Dr CHUN Siu Yeung FRCS, FHKCOS, FHKAM. Vice President, ICS HK Section; Hon. Assoc. Prof. Orthopaedics & Traumatology, HKU; Hon. Consultant in Orthopedics & Traumatology, Kwong Wah Hospital & Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital (HKSH). 
CME: 2 points: HKCA, HKCOG, HKCOS, COSHK, HKMC; 1 point: HKCPaed, HKCPath; 0.5 point: HKCP

“THE LAZARUS EFFECT : Effective Surgical Management of Hypovolemic Shock Secondary to Multiple Gunshot Wounds” by Dr. Patrick Ismael Patacsil Cruz II M.D., F.I.C.S., F.I.A.M.S., M.H.M. Auditor, Executive Council, ICS Philippines Section; Hospital Director, Ospital Ng Paranaque II; Chairman, Department of Surgery, Olivarez General Hospital

For more details, please refer to the documents below:

  1. CME/CPD points status PDF
  2. CME Poster 2024-09-13 Short PDF

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